Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My First Blog

Here are my ideas:

I plan on researching about artificial sweeteners and their affects on the body. I might also include the effects of "energy drinks" on the body.


Zach said...

Good idea. i don't think people know the real side-effects of artificial sweeteners. There are so many detrimental chemicals in the sweeteners.

Sandra said...

That sounds so cool! You can talk to Mrs. Idstein about it because people have researched energy drinks for Psych.

Always Wear Your Safety Goggles said...

That sounds interesting. I have NO idea what I'm gonna write on.

Amanda's Chem Blog said...

This is a great idea! I am interested to learn about this topic! good choice!

Hunter Gatherer said...

Is Sugar worse?

Julia said...

Ooh, it would be interesting to know what all those diet drinks do to us, and what long-term effects they have on the body. Cool idea!

u+me=covalent bond said...

i would be really interested in what the energy drinks do to you. i enjoy a good red bull on occation so if you could inform me on this topic it would be great. you should do how they compare

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